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Pre-Order FAQs

Here are some Frequently Asked Questions about Pre-Orders.

What is a Pre-Order?

A pre-order is a service offered by MDP that allows our customers to purchase a product before it is officially released. We use Pre-Orders to gauge the demand for a product. This ensures an adequate number of units to meet customer demand without overproducing or under buying.

What are your Pre-Order Timelines?

Most of our Pre-Orders are for Apparel. We currently use a Screen Printer who's lead time is 3-4 weeks from our payment.

Timeline example:

  • Pre-Order open April 1-5th
  • We submit order to Print Provider and pay April 8th
  • We expect to receive the order the week of April 29th
  • We will begin printing label and ship as soon as we receive the

What are the Pros and Cons?

Pros for MDP

  1. Demand Forecasting: Pre-orders provide valuable data on customer interest, helping MDP predict demand and plan production accordingly.
  2. Cash Flow: Early payments from pre-orders improve cash flow, providing funds for production and marketing.
  3. Customer Commitment: Pre-orders secure sales ahead of time, reducing uncertainty.
  4. Marketing Hype: Announcing pre-orders can generate buzz and excitement, enhancing marketing efforts and public anticipation.
  5. Inventory Management: Knowing the number of pre-orders helps MDP manage inventory more efficiently, reducing the risk of overproduction or stockouts.

Pros for our Customers

  1. Guaranteed Purchase: Customers secure their purchase of a high-demand item, avoiding the risk of it selling out. We cannot always order enough of certain sizes of apparel. A pre-order allows EVERY customer to obtain exactly what they needed.

Cons for MDP

  1. Production Pressure: High volumes of pre-orders can strain production capabilities. As MDP grows, we are increasing our Apparel orders to our provider. We accept the processing time to ensure High Quality Prints - ALWAYS.
  2. Customer Expectations: Managing customer expectations can be challenging, especially if there are delays. We do our best to communicate timeline updates as often as they are given to us.

Cons for our Customers

  1. Delayed Fulfillment: If there are production or shipping delays from our provider, we understand the concern for timely fulfillment. We will ALWAYS ship pre-order items as soon as they arrive to us.


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